Engineer | Entrepreneur
37 ans

Beauty is a complex definition unique to each person that I believe is based on your values and ethnic background. We are all beautiful in our own way.


I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. My parents wanted me to study somewhere in the world so I can learn a different language and become independent. I studied at the Rochester Institute of Technology where I received my bachelors and my masters degree in Electrical Engineering. I also have a minor in Economics; I love math. I studied abroad at the University of Technology in Sidney, Australia. While I was there I backpacked through the eastern coast of Australia for a month with a backpack and a surfboard. I speak three languages and I'm working on my forth. Currently, I live in Miami where I work as an international sales engineer for a multinational company designing wireless communications systems for governments. Additionally, I started a swimwear company called Vizcaya Swimwear, which has received a lot of attention lately; Vizcaya is the official sponsor of the Miss United States pageant. I started the first micropolling social network that was called Treepoll, that's before Facebook created its "questions" feature. Unfortunately, my co-founder and I decided to cancel the project as we focused on other opportunities. I love technology and the way it let us always be in constant communication with each other, anywhere in the world, in real time. I love history and geography, I can tell you any capital of any country in the world. I love to read, specially biographies of powerful leaders and successful businessmen. I respect Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Elon Musk, who I believe are amongst the most interesting individuals alive. Above all, I love God. I truly believe you are capable to do whatever you want do in life, I think if you set a goal you can achieve it, it will take time and a lot of effort and this is the reason most people give up; the ones that don't, become successful.

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