संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका
38 वर्ष
मैं कौन हूँ?

My name is CANDACE but I'm JOY to the world! I meet no strangers everyone is a person and familiar to the spirit. I am a daughter, mother, and big sister where I don't take these duties lightly. I am a hard worker of life I believe that what you put into each day is what you will get out of each day ! There is never a bad day just different days, no two days are the same, and each day I wake up I count them ALL AS JOY! I am a Mentor /Life coach to ALL WOMEN and encourage many people to go after their Joy.

द फ़ैशन हीरो टीवी सीरीज़ के बारे में मेरा क्या विचार है?

I think its a wonderful show and concept. Its not about singling out just one culture that the world is use to seeing on all reality shows. You get to see ALL cultures and the unity of each one the show brings together which in turns brings so much out of the contestants and creativity of the show! As well as helping each contestant grow as individuals and in this world. I say a job well done THE FASHION HERO!

मैं इस पीढ़ी के लिए एक महान रोल मॉडल कैसे बन सकता/सकती हूँ और द फ़ैशन हीरो का नया चेहरा बन कर लोगों को कैसे प्रेरित कर सकता/सकती हूँ?

I believe I am a great role model for this generation because of the many experiences I've had at such a young age where I had to be the ROLE MODEL for my own life, to teach and encourage my own self not to give up at the age of 16 and becoming a young single mother myself at the age of 19. To now running businesses from home and saying I'm a "MOTHER" not a "Single Mother" . I believe I can inspire many people with the whole concept I live my life by which is ..... YOU GUESSED IT ! "JOY! " If the WORLD didn't give it (JOY) then the WORLD CAN'T TAKE IT (JOY) AWAY!!!!

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