30 éves
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Ki vagyok én?

Hola!!!! My name is Azucena Flores and I’m Mexican!!! I was born in México City 27 years ago and I’m a girl described by others as “the girl with the spark”. I love singing and dancing with others or just by myself in front of the mirror and when I’m working out ahahaha I always try to make others feel confident and comfortable with who they are and about their dreams... but sometimes I don’t listen to my own advices

Mit gondolok a Fashion Hero TV sorozatról?

I thinking it’s a great opportunity for young people to grow, to believe in themselves, to be more confident and of course to show others that we are all humans and that we are all capable of reaching our dreams, no matter your country, language or skin color. You can be whoever you want to be and achieve anything that it’s on your mind an in your heart.

Miért lennék jó példakép a generációm számára, és hogyan inspirálnám az embereket a Fashion Hero új arcaként?

I do believe that deep inside our hearts and minds we all know that we are beautiful and that we are valuable, but we sometimes forget, we just need a reminder that beauty it is whats inside and it shows in our eyes and our smile. I need to remember that and be my true self Being your true self, inspire others to change.

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