Model, Influencer
27 éves
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Who am I? Hi, I'm Karla! I am twenty-four years old and I come from Croatia. I am a Hotel and Tourism Technician, so I speak several languages ​​(advanced English, Spanish and Croatian and basic German, Italian and Slovenian) I am always ready for new education, knowledge and new life challenges and adventures. I am an individual. Freethinker. I am a realist who believes in miracles. In my free time I dance, write, listen to music, play poker, play basketball, read the news, watch reality shows, hang out with a dog or go out. Most of my time I usually explore, look for the answers, read, write, search and research while online. I’m very enthusiastic, self-motivated, open - minded, communicative and flexible. I know how people’s brain work. I know how to talk to them. My profession taught me how to get in touch with people, how to communicate on friendly but professional way with my clients, how to use all the marketing strategies and tips. I know what people want. And the creative side of me can also bring good ideas and realize it. I am the creator. I need to create. All in all, I am a perfectionist and very passionate one. I am well educated, self-disciplined and reliable. When we talk about fashion, modelling or any kind of glamour - I love modeling in all aspects. I love fashion. I love change. I am a change. I love new things. I like to travel. I care about myself, about my look and style. I always wanted to look good. Also, I love money and I have big standards and expectations of my life. I know I can do some things... Some bigger things. Valuable. Unique. Different... I always get what I want and the best thing is I do it with my style. With my signature. I never followed the crowd. They follow me. My character and my look will make anyone stand out for life if they gave me right opportunity and conditions. One chance. One chance to change. I am young, beautiful, confident and looking for some adventure for a lifetime! No children, no marriage, no obligations. Nothing and no one but me. If I'm into something I'm always giving all of me. Or I am - or I'm not. Guess what. This time I choose to be.

Mit gondolok a Fashion Hero TV sorozatról?

My dream is a life from which I do not need a vacation from. My biggest passion is fashion. Literally, everything what comes with it. I'm trying to find beauty in all. And I find it prescious. Cameras, shootings, photography, highlighting details, adventures, creating, risking, traveling and evolving is where my heart is. I'm lover of nature and beauty and my love is art. I'm not afraid to say it out loud, I really think beauty is priceless. I always thought we should show what we have. What we got. Show and work on it. Work and never stop. There is literally nothing wrong with that. We all have three homes: earth, mind and body. I could never be satisfied if one home would be in mess. Overall, I am also a very good public speaker and promoter. I have tactic, strategy, knowledge and sense to lead. Lead and create. Therefore, I love expensive things. I like to feel good. We all know what’s behind it, right? The main fact is ... Living that fashion - I don't need a break from. Every day is a challenge and that excites me so much. I hate monotous way of living - that would give new sense to my life and actually, I've always knew for what I'm made for. To be a Fashion Hero.

Miért lennék jó példakép a generációm számára, és hogyan inspirálnám az embereket a Fashion Hero új arcaként?

I can 'make a' and 'I can' be a change. I find myself capable in very aspect of so as simple - that has to be exiting! I'm motivated enough to be that one and I'm creator in my heart. It's like my food. I was always kind of different. I started feeling ' 'uncomfortable' in the crowd. I was always real and I true. I'm Individual with a vision, and I'm your next Fashion Model.

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