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37 éves
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Most people define beauty base on the physical feature of a person, a perfect figure and pretty face. I think beauty is about confidence and good personality. Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself and be the best you can.

Mit gondolok a Fashion Hero TV sorozatról?

My friends calls me Shane, I was born on May 1st in the Philippines. We are four child in the family and I'm the 2nd. I moved and now residing here in Edmonton, AB Canada since 2012. I am currently working as sales associate in ADIDAS and METALSMITHS Sterling Silver. It is my greatest dream to travel the world. I have been to Dubai and New York so far and wanting to travel more. It was also my dream to be a model, but life was never easy for me. Now, I just want to show that I can still live my dream and that its not yet too late for me.

Miért lennék jó példakép a generációm számára, és hogyan inspirálnám az embereket a Fashion Hero új arcaként?

I love traveling and exploring places I've never been. I love watching movies when there's nothing to do outside. I do acting most of the time too when I see an interesting scene in a movie, i just do it in front of a mirror. I also love to explore different cuisines as eating is one of my favorite thing to do :)

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