Stati Uniti
27 anni

My inspiration for wanting to be a model is because life is full of opportunities and you have to learn how to grab life by the horns and ride with it until the very end. I’ve had a passion for modeling since I was 17, because I discovered I love being in front of the camera I don’t wanna be just like anyone I just want to be the best version of myself. I want to use my platform as a way to let abuse Survivors know that they are loved and that they are truly blessed in many many ways.


I think that the fashion Hero TV series has truly changed many peoples lives. I feel like each time I watch an episode they give people pointers on how to be successful in the agency and they also give the contestants a chance to make a name for their self by hard work and determination and passion for the industry. The fashion hero TV series is some thing that changes somebody’s life forever they get noticed and they become somebody that they never thought they could become do just to some coincidental person voting for them so that they have their fighting chance to make a name for themselves and work hard to get where they wanna be in life and that’s a successful model. It allows and gives me insight on what it takes to truly know the industry it gives you in-depth things in it allows you to challenge yourself and go above and beyond for yourself and to prove to yourself that you’re worthy to have your place there.


I think that I would be a good role model for this generation because I’m all about positivity and honesty. I feel like people deserve to be heard and they know that you know Hardwork eventually pays off when you work hard enough it’s accomplish what you want in life. I feel like I could inspire people as the new face of fashion the fashion hero because I bring a edgy feminine side to the modern millennials. Fashion hero is all about creating an image that you would want people to perceive you as but also staying true to yourself and knowing that you’re worthy of being there just like everyone else. I believe that I could inspire young girls who feel like they are not worthy or they’re not beautiful I feel like I could change that because sometimes I get down and out about how I look well I used to and then I learn to love myself. What a lot of people struggle with these days is learning to love themselves they’re always worried about loving everyone else around them but at the end of the day loving yourself is the most important thing because if you don’t love yourself then you know it’s some thing that will become a part of you both positively and negatively it depends on how you have an outlook on it. I am the type of person who is a sweetheart and down to earth but I also have a side to me that you know is edgy and it’s fresh and it’s new. In life Everything is always about growth and growing to be a better person. And knowing that you’re worthy of loving yourself and just being your most authentic self because if you’re not authentic then basically you’re just putting on a show for everybody. I’m all about authenticity passion hard work and perseverance. Some of those qualities are hard to fine especially in the industry these days and the new face of fashion of the fashion hero is an amazing opportunity because it allows you to create a walkway in a day It allows you to get a foot into the industry and me I feel like I have a gift for modeling that can’t be taught but more like it needs to be seen. My true passion is tomorrow but I’ve never had any luck, inspiring people being always remaining positive even the world may be crashing down on you. How I would be And great role model for the generation and inspire people is I stay true to myself and I always remember where I come from. Because most days artists and stuff that you see and models they let the money get to their head but me authenticity room means always remembering where you came from no matter what obstacles your throne.

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