Photograper, designer
24 yaşında
Ben kimim?

I'm a photographer from Siberia, Russia. Style is my life. I belong to the indigenous peoples of the north. There is such a nation, "Keto", there are less than a thousand of us left in the world.

Fashion Hero TV Yarışması hakkında ne düşünüyorum?

I have high hopes for this competition. The goal is to break out of Russia and work with the highest level specialists

Bu nesil için neden iyi bir rol model olabilirim ve Fashion Hero'nun yeni yüzü olarak insanlara nasıl ilham verebilirim?

My life is building fashion photos. I create images that people like. At the same time, I am a very simple person. He lived both in the village and in the city. You haven’t seen such people yet.

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