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30 yaşında
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My name is Blessing Ogeleka. I love to be inspired by nature. I am Beauty, because Beauty is the light in the heart and a reality seen with the eyes of love. Beauty express it self from a distance Beauty is in nature. Size and length doesn't matter in real sense of life and all things are not equal.

Fashion Hero TV Yarışması hakkında ne düşünüyorum?

I love fashion and I love exploration, I love to think fast, and act smart. And the fashion industry gives that opportunity to be selfless and independent. Fashion give you an exotic opportunity to explore nature and study different kind of culture

Bu nesil için neden iyi bir rol model olabilirim ve Fashion Hero'nun yeni yüzü olarak insanlara nasıl ilham verebilirim?

I am strong in strength, I am my own pilot, I have face many life challenges that has given me greater vision and I am willing to share that vision and courage with the world and those that are standing still and are afraid to take that step of change. I have always been timid because of my kind shape and my inability to do more. I look forward to have a great designer, who can help in designing dresses for people like me in stead of killing myself in the gim. Most importantly I want to inspire people to accept themselves, letting them know that they are beauty and be happy with nature because you can't beat nature.

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