28 yaşında
Ben kimim?

I am a mother of 2 beautiful young girls. I want them to see their father and I succeed and know that we strived so hard for our family. My girls have become my entire life. There just is no me without them!

Fashion Hero TV Yarışması hakkında ne düşünüyorum?

Ever since I was too young to even know how to do it, I have always loved and been very good at singing, writing, and reciting my spoken word. I also LOVE to cook for people!

Bu nesil için neden iyi bir rol model olabilirim ve Fashion Hero'nun yeni yüzü olarak insanlara nasıl ilham verebilirim?

To be completely honest I've never seen fashion hero and I know absolutely nothing about it. However I did see an opportunity to change the world one fashion hero at a time so I'm going for it! 😉

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