26 yaşında
Ben kimim?

Hello all, My names Shaniya Mills a recent college graduate trying to find my way and make my stamp on the world. I’m an aspiring model/actor and I love to sing and paint. I just love to create and I think people need to create more because I believe it’s the most important part of ourselves

Fashion Hero TV Yarışması hakkında ne düşünüyorum?

I think it’s beautiful that this show gives people the opportunity who wouldn’t be seen as the “model standard” to be able to actually live out their dreams of being a model. Or at least try to obtain them. There’s not many people who would give the non model standard a chance. And I’ve been literally just been trying to get a chance at it.

Bu nesil için neden iyi bir rol model olabilirim ve Fashion Hero'nun yeni yüzü olarak insanlara nasıl ilham verebilirim?

I think I’d be a great role model because I’ll show people that completely being yourself is okay. Being yourself freely without the fear of judgment is a beautiful thing and everyone should feel confident and beautiful in their own skin. That it’s okay be be flawed because that’s what makes you you. And there’s no one else like you.

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