United Arab Emirates
39 years old
Who am I?

I stand 5 ft 8 inches from mumbai working in Dubai

What do I think about A New Kind of Beautiful TV series Presented by The Fashion Hero TV series?

It is always exciting to see new and innovative TV series, especially those that showcase beauty in unique ways. The Fashion Hero TV Series could bring a fresh perspective to the beauty and fashion industry, making it interesting for audiences and potentially challenging conventional beauty standards. It would be interesting to see how this new series sets itself apart and promotes diversity and inclusivity in the industry.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of A New Kind Of Beautiful TV series Presented by The Fashion Hero?

I may be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of "A New Kind of Beautiful" because of my unique qualities, values, and experiences that can resonate with a diverse audience. Your ability to embrace and celebrate individuality, promote self-love and body positivity, and advocate for inclusivity can make a significant impact on viewers, encouraging them to embrace their own uniqueness and redefine society's standards of beauty. My story and message can inspire others to embrace authenticity, diversity, and self-empowerment, making me a powerful and relatable role model for the new generation in need of positive influences.

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