26 years old
Who am I?

I am a fun loving gal! Always positive, through all the ups and downs. Living freely in the flow of life. I’m passionate, caring and adventurous. Always up for a challenge and new things in life. I love nature and obsessed with the beauty of trees. Love all animals and always give people the benefit of the doubt. Full of smiles, happiness and love to feel every emotion I can. Some say that once given the opportunity to have a conversation, I don’t know how to stop talking

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I think there is beauty in everyone and everything. Beauty is subjective, and there is a “beauty standard” that the media loves to portray. I love the idea of a show that inspires and shows that beauty is all around us.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I am a role model for everyone I teach and am around. I help inspire them to believe in themselves, be positive and always ask the question why… when being told something. Having confidence and breathing through difficult times, is the way to go about our lives. Know that when something bad happens, that doesn’t mean it’s the end all be all. Sometimes we have to look at things through a different perspective. Look at how you can come out of it, in a positive light. Know that you need to support yourself, for others to be able to support you as well. And for you to be able to support others. It’s okay to feel whatever emotions you are having in the moment, but never let your emotions control you actions. Think about it and calm your mind first before you act upon it. Life is full of beauty and sometimes you just need to take a step back to see it all and remember that we are all together in this world. Here to help each other, when we can. Spread love, happiness and health all around us. We can only make each other stronger in the end. And there is room for success for all of us. We all get one life, so spread the beauty, positivity and happiness to everyone around you 💕✨

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