35 years old
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Who am I?

I am a strong woman who’s been knocked down so many ways yet still smile grow and glow while empowering and uplifting others. A true Empath at my core, I am able to connect with understanding and compassion while making people feel amazing. I’m a unique Devine Being with a story to tell and lives to change.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I think it’s an empowering uplifting program that elevates the minds of others.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I am a real woman flaws and all. I have struggled for so long with my body and stretch marks. I was a 15 year old mother and after spending my entire pregnancy in the hospital on bed rest I gained over 170lbs putting my five foot Frame at 265lbs and a body full of stretch marks. I’ve struggled with homelessness, depression, anxiety, ptsd, addiction, suicidal thoughts, sexual assault and having my second child, Domestic Violence and more if you can believe that. I have pulled myself out of the shell my trauma took me to. I made the choice to change my life and ever since I’m happier, more enlightened, and really want to help others find their inner freedom. I’m a positive, funny, empowering, and extremely empathetic woman who cares so deeply and is would to help uplift others by listening providing insight and experience.

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