74 years old
Who am I?

I am very well known in my community I am called mostly by meme , I’m a fun loving Gemini ,sometime cougar born the year of the golden Tiger once a washboard musician for a night ,Mom of 3 adult kids 5 adult grandchildren 5 great grandchildren I love photography , classic rock die hard Elvis fan poet and artist . I have a crazy fun loving family well known in the community we live in, I live in Monroe Louisiana but I make frequent trips to visit my daughter in Chicago JudyAka Meme always looking for partners in crime lol and did I mention I’m a Louisiana woman?

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I definitely love the idea of being a fashion hero at 72 never the norm , lol and love these reality shows , and think I should be on one , why not l

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I believe in creating your own styles not being viewed as the norm but the memorable , and that being yourself is being unique because we are all different and to say that’s a memorable person to be , when you are yourself

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