Registered Nurse
31 years old
My Social Media Links
Who am I?

Howdy! I’m Kohdi Ferreri. I grew up in Sarina, QLD Australia. When I turned 18, I left my home town to travel Australia and lived in each state for a while before studying nursing in Adelaide. modelling has always been an interest and in 2018 I was lucky enough to participate in the Miss Universe Australia competition as a State Finalist. I am also signed with Country Girl Management and have completed events and shoots with CGM. During Covid, I decided to join a nursing agency which allowed me to continue my love for travel while also working at the same time. My hobbies include hiking in nature, making content for UGC and working on my Life coach course and Road map business, writing my book, while also taking up casting calls as certian calls spark my interest. I am now 30 years of age and I am at peace and happy with who I am both inside and out and I’m ready to share my life experiences with the world.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

First of all I think this is such a great idea for a TV series. I love that this TV series focuses on not only physical beautiful but more importantly the beauty that comes from within us. Everyone is beautiful despite your race/ skin colour/ size/ etc and we need to promote this more Xo

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I am the first person from both sides of my family to go to uni and live outside of my home state. I come from a broken home raised by a single mother. I have solo travelled and lived in all states of Australia and also solo travelled part of the world. Have completed aid work in Kenya. I Have trekked to the highest point in Africa- Mt Kilimanjaro. I studied post graduate certificate in Psychology and also currently completing a life coach coarse. Participated in modelling events. Made friends all over the world. My whole life I’ve had people tell me I’m not good enough, I’m nothing, I will never make it, I am dumb and more however this has not stopped me from achieving my goals. I want to help and support people in similar situations, I want to help people achieve their goals and break limiting beliefs. I want to be a big sister for people who need the guidance I wish I had when growing up.

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