Maria Rose Ann
28 years old
Who am I?

I am Maria Rose Ann Bendejo from Negros Oriental Philippines, 23 years old, my height is 5'3. A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. I am a kind of woman who has a great determination to pursue my dreams in life.

What do I think about A New Kind of Beautiful TV series Presented by The Fashion Hero TV series?

My dream is to become a runway model for I believe that modeling is not just all about the physical appearance of a person, but also how she handle every life's challenges. My passion is to learn something new, having some adventure and make a sad person smile.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of A New Kind Of Beautiful TV series Presented by The Fashion Hero?

Give a genuine smile to those person around me because not all people are happy that's why I want to give them some good vibes and make them remember how beautiful to live life.

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