Marketing Director
26 years old
Who am I?

In my eyes, the glass is always full where I live positively. I enjoy making people laugh and trying to understand people’s stories. I’m highly competitive and love problem-solving. On a more serious note, I have been through many obstacles as a queer deaf Arab Muslim and use that to become a stronger person because the world needs more positive energy, especially today.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

Representation matters, and it shows with The Fashion Hero. I’m inspired by the fact that it’s everyone that you wouldn’t expect on the screen but NEEDED them on your TV screen growing up. The stories are empowering and lead to better change. Also, challenges seem hella fun, and I’m always up for a good competition.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I look forward to being a representation for those who are deaf, Arab, queer and Muslim like me. Humans are storytellers by nature and by sharing my story, I could inspire people to think differently and see what it means to live life the way I do (and many others like me) in this strange world we’re living in today. I’m energetic, fun, outgoing, curious and always up for a challenge! Game on.

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