South Africa
26 years old
Who am I?

I'm fun, energetic and an adventurous person, I'm very open minded and love learning and trying new things. I'm an animal lover and I'm very compassionate.

What do I think about A New Kind of Beautiful TV series Presented by The Fashion Hero TV series?

I've always wanted to become a Victoria secrets model but living in South Africa there's not much opportunities that opens up. I also want to further my studies in law and maybe have my own practice one day.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of A New Kind Of Beautiful TV series Presented by The Fashion Hero?

I'm a very fashion forward person, I love getting dressed up and also dressing people up, and not many people are fortunate enough to afford some of these top brands so how I would make a difference is I would create new pieces of clothing from all of the materials that go to waste when making garments and I would have a charity fair where I can sell those items to raise funds for the less fortunate and donate that money that is raised to actually buy clothes for those who don't have.

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