Sacha zarina
26 years old
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Who am I?

I’m an Argentinian DJ obsessed with fashion. I would love to own a clothing brand of my own. I’m a world traveler who wishes to see a 100 countries and speak 6 languages someday. For now Spanish, English, German and some basic Italian. Lover of the beach and good music, of course DJed by me ❤️

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I think is a trend that is here to stay, we as people and as consumers want to see real people. Models are gorgeous but they don’t need to be a size 0 because beauty isn’t determined by how big your jeans are. I think we need a healthier industry, where people can relate and feel beautiful in the way they are. We as a society need to heal ❤️‍

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I don’t know if I would be a great role model but I do know what i believe in: love is soul changing and its meant to be shared; you’ve got this even when you think you don’t; you are worthy of love and respect who ever you are and nobody should nor could take that away from you; nobody truly knows what they are doing and that’s ok just be kind and do no harm

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