54 years old
Who am I?

I am a young 53 year old woman. I live and work in Manchester. I have a lovely family and I am a business woman too. My family consists of my husband, 3 sons, 3 daughter in laws and little grand daughter. I have my 2 beautiful cats and 20 cute chickens! I have been going through menopause for the last 2 years and my body shape has changed a lot. I love fashion as I grew up in the industry of the Indian fashion and like most people I like to look good. I have struggled with my wardrobe as I am not very tall and fashion is usually catered for tall slim people...which I am not. Also I feel that I am always thinking about my age and should I wear this or not..that kind of thing.. I am someone who loves clothes and I do have my own style..sometimes my daughter in law will laugh if I wear something a bit young looking or latest trend..and it makes me conscious. It doesn't look bad but I start thinking 'should I even be wearing this! ' I have worked in the Asian fashion world from the age of 7 , in my family business and later had my own business on the Curry Mile in Manchester. I also am a qualified beauty therapist and have the experience running and owning my own salons over 17 years. I moved away from the beauty industry when I realised that there was a lot of aesthetic beauty that was coming in. Nothing qrong with that but I wanted to guide people in a natural way. I then moved towards health and wellness and want to promote the importance of feeling good to help look good! It really makes a difference. I do believe that being healthy is important and health and wellness is very close to my heart..I am making a change in my career at the moment to concentrate on health and wellness and create awareness that you are never too old to start looking after your health. The message of Self care is my life's message and motto. When you feel good from the inside you always look good from the outside too. It truly is a frame of mind and I want to help others find that mind set.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I love this concept. To move away from clichéd ideas of fashion, beauty and fame and to make people feel comfortable in their skin. To normalise being different..however what is normal and who judges what is different. This programme is bringing new thoughts and perspectives to people everywhere and I love it! The fact that AJ McClean will be the host makes it very interesting. Someone from an industry that has a very particular criteria for anyone who wants to be a part of it..this programme with the help of the host and the makers looks like it may break those barriers and help to change the system. I look forward to it and hope to be a part of this!

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I would be a great role model because I love to know about others, I love to talk but I mostly love to listen. Helping others, motivating others, helping them to find answers in our discussions and conversations is what I do best. I would love to represent other women like me..who love to look good and maybe they don't have the ideal height or body..but if they have the confidence of feeling good then thats a big step in the right direction. It would be amazing to be a voice that others might be looking for to help them realise that actually all is good and they are doing amazing! I would like to show that age, shape, size ethnicity doesn't matter..anyone can be a role model..just have confidence in yourself and make it happen! I am always told that I am quite a positive person..I would love to share my positivity with others to make confident changes that they may have just been thinking about till now. Life in these times is difficult but you know for things to change, you have to change.

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