South Africa
24 years old
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Who am I?

I am a blooming young soul that is learning more about who she is and is in the process of falling in-love with herself daily. I am slowly shedding away the layers of programming that do not serve me in order to reveal the real me. I am slowly accepting myself and learning to love my flaws.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I am intrigued by THE FASHION HERO TV SERIES as it is a one of a kind TV SERIES that truly allows people to be and embrace who they are. It is a breathe of fresh air as we see real vulnerability and courage displayed by the contestants in trying to gain confidence in their true self. As someone learning to do so myself, I find myself drawn towards the series and as inspired by previous contestants.

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I believe that I would be a great role model for this generation because I believe in being authentic to oneself especially one's feelings. As an empanth I want to be able not only to understand and respect others but also feel comfortable and safe enough to express myself. I used to dim myself down and quieten my personality because it made certain people feel comfortable, but as I grow up I learned how that affected my mental health and self-esteem. I now stand firmly in believing that everyone is important enough to be heard and seen, and even though we may not agree with each other, we should at least hear each other out. Social, racial or cultural prejudices don't have to make us dislike each other, rather they should inspire us to see the beauty in everything around us, as no two things in the universe are exactly the same, not even twins.

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