25 years old
Who am I?

My name is Vanessa and I am 25 years young. I am a singer/Song writer called AKWEYA , an Amateur Model, an upcoming Entrepreneur and a creative. I am bubbly, spontaneous, and have a lot of character but usually come across quiet and shy at first. I want to be on this show because I want to step into the deep end and finally give myself the opportunity that I deserve.

What do I think about The Fashion Hero TV series?

I think it’s amazing! Mainly because there are not any modelling shows which represent beauty without a beauty standard, which I think is key. You don’t have to look a certain way to be noticed or to be called beautiful you can be exactly who are with all your scars and flaws and still be someone great , someone that people can look up to and say because of them I believed in myself to!

Why would I be a great role model for this generation and inspire people as the new face of The Fashion Hero?

I think I would be great for the show because I am someone who has lived with self-doubt holding me back from embracing my creativity to the fullest fully. I want to break free from that cycle of negativity. I would love to get the opportunity to inspire and encourage others who are like me to believe in themselves. Stepping out of my comfort zone is hard but I am ready to show that all it takes is one moment of self-trust to become your own hero, so that I can embrace my worth and pursue my dreams fearlessly and show others they can too be they’re own kind of Beautiful 💕

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